Baobab Domains vs IGIC

Since we have a number of important announcements to make, let’s get down to business right away. From November on, a large part of the apartments will be delivered by means of a notary deed and the anticipated outstanding amounts for those apartments need to be paid. Due to a recent decision of the Canary Government, the IGIC (equivalent of VAT on the Canary Islands) will be increased from 5% to 7% for the purchase of off plan properties. The new law awaits final approval by the Canary Parliament and is expected to be implemented by the beginning of July and applied at least until 2014.

On all payments made after that final approval, 7% IGIC will be levied instead of 5%. Please beware of the fact that this increase has no effect on the amounts already paid! There is a possibility to avoid this 2% increase by paying part of your outstanding amount before the end of June. So if you were to make a payment before June 30th, the 5% rate of IGIC will still be charged for the amounts paid. Should you have any further questions, please contact us on +34 922 702 129.

Furthermore, if you haven’t visited our show flats yet, we cordially invite you to come and have a look. Photos have already been published on our website (Enlace a If you are planning to visit us, please bear in mind that by now more than 120 workers walk around the construction site and in the interest of everyone's safety, the show flats are only accessible on Friday afternoon or by appointment scheduled through our offices. In case you still need to come and choose your furniture, please contact Els (+34 922 702 129 or

And last but not least, the past few weeks we launched a new line within our brand, called Baobab Sports. Baobab Sports is the proud sponsor of Santisora ​​Triathlon Club, and right after the start of our cooperation, the half Enduroman in Lanzarote was won by Paul Santos, in a brand new outfit of course! With Baobab Sports, we want to focus on everything that has to do with sports on Tenerife, people in search of an active and at the same time luxury holiday will definitely be able to turn to us. Not only do we want to innovate in terms of architecture and design on Tenerife, we also want to offer a 'different' type of holiday! The first press contacts have been made, the outline for a new website has been drawn, the publicity campaign is taking shape, in short, a very exciting and challenging time awaits us!

Happenings: Cirque du Soleil

We are delighted to tell you that the Cirque du Soleil will be stopping over in Tenerife for the very first time to perform their amazing ‘Alegría’ show early next year. Between January 13th and 20th, you can come and watch their performance in the Pabellón Insular Martin in Santa Cruz. Tickets are available from, or, prices start at 33 EUR.

Baobab Images

By now, it’s possible to follow the progress at the construction site and many other updates through several channels:
. Our Facebook page , more than 2.000 fans!
. The photo gallery on our website
. Baobab Domains TV on YouTube
. Also on Vimeo we post our videos
. On Twitter we send out daily updates on Baobab Domains and Tenerife in general
. And of course we couldn’t miss out on the newest hype Pinterest